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However, studies of azithromycin (AZM) and clarithromycin (CLD) in the prevention of foodborne illness are conflicting. Some, but drugstore mascara coupons not all, studies suggest that the prophylactic effectiveness of azithromycin and CLD has been reduced by antibiotic treatment within 48 hours of ingestion. This study examines whether the same would hold true for prevention of gastroenteritis by a bacterium that has not been previously identified as a foodborne pathogen. An outbreak of acute listeriosis occurred in 2008 among college students who ate at a college cafeteria in Virginia. The investigation identified several common foods in the cafeteria that had a high potential for bacterial contamination. The authors hypothesize that an organism is commonly transmitted to humans in the human gut might be more likely to cause illness after eating some foods. They
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Among the 689 participants, 598 (80%) completed the trial. Forty-seven participants (6%) developed symptoms, which were treated in the outpatient setting. authors reported that azithromycin and CLD were administered to the participants, despite possible effect of the bacterial contamination on susceptibility. authors found no statistically significant benefit of the antibiotics for reduction symptoms. However, the investigators
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This report is also available in.pdf format
On January 29, 2007, United States President George W. Bush declared a state of emergency, which created the National Emergency With Respect to Terrorist Attacks on the United States (NEW-T). purpose of the emergency was twofold: (1) enhance continuity in the Federal Government's response to possible events relating the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and (2) provide the time necessary to coordinate additional Federal government assistance to States and localities deal with the aftermath of terrorist attacks.
The following activities are now responsibility of the New York State Homeland Security Department: (1) assessing the physical and information security of domestic international Federal facilities and Department of Defense personnel, (2) preparing for and responding to bioterrorists other terrorists, (3) assisting State, tribal, and local government officials with federal response assistance, (4) providing training to
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This report summarizes the activities of New York State Homeland Security during the week of January 29, 2007, to assist the President and others in formulating a coordinated state and local response to terrorist attacks. For each of the major topics considered during week, we have listed the specific responsibilities of our agency while providing a general description of such topics as follows:
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We recommend that any person, company, or organization
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A terrorist attack, whether planned or spontaneous, is an unpredictable occurrence in which the perpetrator aims to inflict harm on individuals and/or property through the use of violent means. This harm may be intentional and result in the death of innocent individuals. Unintended casualties and collateral damage are sometimes more detrimental in an attack from a bioterrorist group or organization. All instances of the acts terrorism referred to herein are considered be "acts of terrorism."
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